Together Forever is a Filipino teen-oriented drama series created by Rona Sales, under the direction of Roderick Lindayag and produced by GMA Network. The series headlines the love team of Julie Anne San Jose[1] and Elmo Magalona[2] as the main cast, with Janine Gutierrez, Steven Silva, Sef Cadayona, Enzo Pineda and Renz Verano. The series is set in the fictional supermarket called Life Central Supermarket and in Eastville University, following the lives of Ely (played by Elmo Magalona), Jasmine (portrayed by Janine Gutierrez) and Raz (played by Renz Valerio), three siblings who left on their own to manage the family business making them realize that the most important things in life are the ones money can't buy: love, family, and most important of all, togetherness.