Hindi Ka Na Mag-iisa (You'll Never Be Alone) is a Filipino drama series created and written by Dode Cruz, under the direction of Gil Tejada, aired on GMA Network. This series headlines Jennylyn Mercado[1] and Sid Lucero, Frank Magalona, Krystal Reyes and Angelu de Leon. The series premiered on July 9, 2012 replacing Hiram na Puso on GMA Afternoon Prime block and July 11, 2012 worldwide via GMA Pinoy TV. The series tells the story of Elisa, who at a very young age, learned and experienced all the hardships in life. Because of the trials young Elisa endured, she has no self-confidence and doesn't trust people immediately because she feels that the people she loves will always leave her. Elisa is scared of falling in love because she doesn't exactly know how to love someone since she never experienced it yet.